I use Processing heavily for all of my generative work with additional Java libraries. I've continued to dabble with OpenFrameworks, Nannou, and R. Eventually OpenFrameworks will be my main tool.
I used PHP mainly to create online systems and websites. I draw with Illustrator. I code with Dreamweaver. Until I merged the 2 and obliged myself to draw with code. And indeed I start from scratch, from an empty screen.
My only experience with Generative Visual art simply made use of some Gimp presets. I used to pixellize photos and then fractallize them. Worked pretty well!
I use Processing heavily for all of my generative work with additional Java libraries. I've continued to dabble with OpenFrameworks, Nannou, and R. Eventually OpenFrameworks will be my main tool.
In order of preference: p5js, DrawBot, Processing, Js+Canvas, Paper.js, NodeBox
Ah NodeBox I haven't seen NodeBox being used anywhere recently. I'll need to look to find some projects that have used it recently.
I love Guilherme Vieira's work with it (https://www.instagram.com/_guilhermesv/)
I use PHP to generate SVG code. I love using iterations (loops) and some random values.
Do you have a framework that you use? Or do you just create from scratch?
I used PHP mainly to create online systems and websites. I draw with Illustrator. I code with Dreamweaver. Until I merged the 2 and obliged myself to draw with code. And indeed I start from scratch, from an empty screen.
My only experience with Generative Visual art simply made use of some Gimp presets. I used to pixellize photos and then fractallize them. Worked pretty well!
Plain JS + canvas is my normal go to and a bit of ShaderToy